Founded by Sean Bitar in 1993, an experienced detailer with over 33 years of accumulated knowledge of the structural steel detailing business, PDC strives every day to deliver high-quality steel bridge fabrication shop drawings. We are performance driven and possess what it takes to get the job done most expediently and always ahead of schedule. PDC services include:
- Erection & shop Fabrication drawings for Structural Steel Bridges and similar structures
- Proprietary detailing program that delivers visual girder grade & camber diagrams
- Shop assembly diagrams with three dimensional properties tabulated
- Field work drawings for contractor’s use in Rehabilitation jobs
- Checking design contract drawings for constructability, errors, omissions, etc.
- DXF Drawings customized for the fabricator’s equipment
For a full description of the types of Structures and Drawing/Services provided, see the SPECIALTIES page.